It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Cassini — Lights in the Dark

Well, the day has come. Today is the last full day that NASA’s Cassini spacecraft will exist, and in fact right now it is on its final path—a grand soaring arc that will send it down into the atmosphere of Saturn itself on the morning of Friday, Sept. 15. It will be the closest to the […]

via It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Cassini — Lights in the Dark

Forever Missed

Forever Missed

I understand more and more the weight on your shoulders reflecting under your eyes.

I am grateful for this understanding and for the way you carried that weight.

Always humble in your actions, despite the numerous distractions.

Never will I meet another human such as you, you taught me the limit is the sky adorned in blue.

I stumble through this life without you, I know you run through my veins, but I’m merely human, Dad, I want you here again.

I feel lost without you, but I don’t want you to worry. I am strong as you and Mom taught me, but I am weak as time moves on, its hard to explain. I am angry and sad and joyous all in one. Angry that I can’t see you before me, but understanding you were needed elsewhere, and feeling bad for feeling angry about it, as I realize how important you are to the World. I am sad because I miss you and I took advantage of having you near and not telling and showing you and thanking you for what you always did for me. I am joyous for having the time I did have with you. I’m all mixed up Dad! I am thankful for everything you and Mom taught me & I am so thankful for what I was sheltered from and to have the opportunity to see goodness. I am sad to know that not everyone is kind, not even many are kind, I want to see better, but it is not there Dad, it is sad.

I don’t want to be a selfish person, so I settle with my own sadness and anger that I can no longer see you before me. Thank you so much for teaching and guiding me into what is right and wrong, and to be humble and confident, and to strive for balance and understanding to the limit of what we can.

It comes down to this, I greatly miss and love you, and always will. I do not believe that time heals things at all, but that’s just me. I will miss you every day and I just want you to know that, and I will not wallow in self pity or anything near that, I will continue moving forward as always, just with you in my mind 😃

I love you Dad!


Simple Awesomeness

Simple Awesomeness

An easy way to settle back down to simple Awesomeness. A small batch of morning glory seedlings transferred from a neighbors garden grew from tiny withered leaves into an amazing spectacle full of gorgeous blooms throughout. These plants do not require much of anything. Our water hose would barely reach to the area, so they received miniscule amounts of water throughout the hot summer months, but yet still produced in a fantastic manner.

Receiving most of its requirements from Earth and Sky, this plant not only has served as ornamental, but also as an attractant to numerous butterfly, moth, bee, and beetle species. I would assume it fed these species as well, but not without a helpful gesture in return of pollination. Another species that was very well fed (and most likely housed as also) by the morning glories was the grasshoppers.

As well as the morning glories thrived through the summer, they also appear to have a grand tactic of winter survival. The Frost has arrived and yet only the tops of the money glories were affected. The underside of the plant is fighting through. Even more enchanting, the plant is still producing blossoms.

This really helped me to ground myself by realizing our true needs are so easily lost. And by taking a moment to really think about something that seems to happen so simply, and put it all into perspective, our lives sometimes are all clogged up with crud, much of the crud and things we don’t even need. If we could take the time to bring it back to some more basic things, maybe we would find that is really a happier, more fulfilling way. This doesn’t even have to be everyday spent like that, maybe just a day a week, part of a day, or during a break from work or something. I’m going to try this.


So I ask you, World? Any suggestions for bringing it back to the basics? Short term, long term…

Have a super day World!



In the cold winter air, for some comes despair.

If I separate myself, is it free that I’ll be.

Is it time, life, or choice that is hindering me.

An epiphany causes my heart to burst into tears, breaking through all the dark shadowy fears.

It is then that I see what this is all meant to be.

Creating your self, may sometimes go astray, it is in these moments, we strive for a brighter day.



Kittens again!

Kittens again!

We had a cat that started coming around the house and we were trying to not feed it so it would go home (assuming it had a home, has a little purple collar). Anyway, it wouldn’t leave, it was here everyday and night. Finally I felt horrible for it, so I would feed it small portions in morning and night. However, one night, we were sitting on the porch and the cat approached us with something dangling from its mouth, automatically I thought it was bringing us something dead as cats would, but to my surprise, it was a kitten! She carried it up the porch and placed it between us and looked at us with her gorgeous eyes as if to tell us she is not just fending for herself, she had kittens to tend. I almost cried, what a good mama. So of course I poured her a huge bowl of food and fresh bowl of water. Animals amaze me, they make communication so simple sometimes, its a wonder why humans can struggle with it so often. So, we now have another cat, and her 2 beautiful kittens.