Hectic Days!

Hello World! I was on a business call yesterday and the rep on the phone called Monday, Funday, as a way to make Mondays seem betyer, so I thought I would share that with you, it’s a pretty good trick on the mind šŸ™‚

Yesterday was decent and then went a little downhill. (I not being completely honest, just playing another trick on my mind there haha!) However, I did take advantage of the downward spiral to practice, or instill better ways of dealing with stressful days, and kept calm and cool and didnt allow the stress to ruin my day.

My good boss is leaving the company, which is bittersweet. Creates opportunity, but adds a lot of weight as well. And it is the good boss, so now I am on my own, no one to back me up.

Could use some inspiration today World!

Have a great day!

3 thoughts on “Hectic Days!

  1. I am told that the trick is to realise that the real boss is in you. The external ones are apparently for practicing some skill or testing some idea. šŸ™‚

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